“I turn founders into leaders and help entrepreneurs design a
net-positive culture.”
Ulla Sommerfelt wanted to build a company without fear, so together with her co-founders she built EGGS Design, a design and innovation house with more than one hundred employees in five cities in three countries whose unique culture has attracted people from all over the world. EGGS is behind more than a thousand innovations, has won several design awards, and has been praised as Norway’s Technology and Design Consultancy of the Year.
As an experienced CEO and serial entrepreneur with a passion for building scalable, inclusive cultures, she is an active keynote speaker who has presented at Oslo Business Forum’s conference on Leadership in Changing Times as well as on the TEDx stage in her talk “Compassion: The Way Out of the Corporate Cage.” She is now an exited founder and has started Mother Hen Ventures, where she actively invests in female-led startups, helps growth companies design cultures, and turns founders into leaders.

What You'll Learn

The 7 Principles of a Net-Positive Culture
Firesoul Leadership opens with 7 principles at the heart of a net-positive company culture. These puzzle pieces fit together to create a working environment that helps everyone grow both personally and professionally. Trust, empathy, and diversity are just a few of the ingredients you’ll need to unleash the potential of your growing team. As you read this book, you’ll learn how to bring all 7 of these principles to life.

I’ve created a handful of resources you
can use while building your own
net-positive culture of firesouls.
Download and implement your free tools today!
Tools to Help
You Succeed

How to Build the Foundation of a Net-Positive Culture
Part One of this book focuses on how startup founders can lay solid groundwork for a productive, creative culture employees will love. Your team’s purpose, values, rituals, and behaviors must be designed with intention to create a shared vision of impact. You’ll learn how my co-founders and I built these elements at EGGS and steps you can follow to do the same.

Tips for Igniting Firesouls Throughout the Employee Journey
An employee’s journey at a company is like a memorable vacation, punctuated by highlights, challenges, and mind-expanding experiences. In Part Two of Firesoul Leadership, I talk about how you can create moments that will make your team’s trip an incredible one. With solid systems around recruitment, hiring, onboarding, offboarding, and day-to-day experiences, you’ll have your people raving about working for you.
What People
Have to Say

DR. Minouche Shafik
President, Columbia University, and former president, London School of Economics
Firesoul Leadership is an inspiring and practical guide to building a compassionate culture in the workplace. Ulla writes with passion and experience on the benefits of creating entrepreneurial organizations where leadership from the heart delivers results for both people and companies

Cristobal Alonso
Serial Entrepreneur and Global CEO
of Startup Wise Guys
People and talent management meets leadership and culture building in this insightful and practical book. Invaluable for founders and entrepreneurs looking to scale their business

Paal Holter
Co-founder of EGGS, now Director of Innovation
@ Sopra Steria
Firesoul Leadership is an essential guide for any leader looking to inspire and engage their teams. Her profound insights and practical strategies offer a roadmap to building a culture where passion and compassion drive success.

Mau Medeiros
Former Creative Director @ EGGS Brazil, now CEO of Doisemes® Design
Firesoul Leadership helps entrepreneurs to tackle one of the biggest challenges of any industry: Business Culture. It's a straight to the point tool that will help you to map context, people and behaviors and act accordingly towards success.
The message is very inspirational and yet human.

Sofia Ryan
Principal Director for Design Strategy,
Microsoft | PhD | Executive MBA
Ulla´s remarkable talent lays in her ability to skillfully balance the roles of challenger and supporter. She generously shared invaluable insights from her extensive professional experience, providing me a fresh and objective perspective on myself.

Alexandru Stan
CEO and founder
of Tekpon
She is natural but strong, she is kind but powerful. I meditate 1-2 hours after every call with her. I recommend Ulla from the bottom of my heart, she is what every company need in a way or another, as a mentor, advisor, partner, if she have interest, your company will grow!

How to Transition from Founder to Leader
The leap from founder to leader doesn’t always come naturally to entrepreneurs. Is leadership for you? In Part Three, I talk about how you can make this transition without succumbing to burnout. I cover leadership principles, behaviors, and self-care techniques all founders can use during their journey to the top. Once you’ve made it there, you have one main job, which is to send the elevator down to the next person.